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Immagine Cascina

About us

Despite being born in a big city, we always felt attracted to nature and country life, so for many years we contented ourselves with summer vacations and weekends spent in the country. But it wasn't enough.

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A few years ago, after endless searching, we finally found the place where we could satisfy our ambitions, change our lives and make a new living for ourselves.

We are Roberto, the dad, and children Marco and Federico, and we've focused all our resources on the restoration of an old farmhouse in Monferrato, where today we can combine our passion with everydaylife.


Our business didn't start for commercial purposes, and it will perhaps never be especially profitable. But we prefer it that way and instead prioritise a more genuine life, made up of all of those flavours, colours and emotions that cities today can hide.

We hope to be able to transmit those same feelings to those who would like to buy our products or be guests at our farmhouse.

The Farmhouse
The Rooms
The Kitchen
The Products
The Catalog
The Surroundings